
e-Supplier - Electronic Invoice Management

What is e-Suppliers

e-Supplier Invoice is a web platform that allows integration and automation of the interaction process between financial accounting department and the company's suppliers, in order to receive electronic invoices related to service orders. The application disposes of improved accessibility, platform independence, easy integration with SAP systems, all in accordance with security standards.


- Invoices (invoices registration/ approval) - Business administration (management nomenclatures) - Users management (authorization)


Diminishing required effort to operate invoices from suppliers in the financial accounting system Operation errors removal by implementing algorithms for automatic validation Printed invoices elimination and storage space reduction, due to invoice storage in the documents management applications Simplifying the End-of-the-Month accounting procedures by reducing the pressure on operators Increasing transparency towards suppliers by creating the possibility to access invoice acceptance details and payment schedule, and the correlation between the service order and the contract